Solana: How Do I Setup a Solana Development Environment using Visual Studio Code?


Solana is a popular, fast and scalable blockchain platform that has attracted significant in the cryptocurrency area. As its development Environment Environment becomes more matte, setting up a suitable development environment on your machine can be irresistible for beginners. The Visual Studio (vs code), which is a great choice for developers because of its light and adaptable nature.


Before we start, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Modern Operating System (Windows, MacOS or Linux)

  • Recent version of Node.js (Recommended LTS or the Latest Version)

  • Solana CLI (Node Package Manager) Installed on Your Machine

  • Knowing with Gita and Basic Coding Concepts

Step 1: Install the Required Packages

Code, you will need to install the following Packages:

  • Solana-Cli '

  • Vscode-Solan

You can install these packages via npm or yarn:


Npm install -g solana -cli @vscode/solana




Predja Global Add Solana-Cli @vscode/Solana


Step 2: Create a New Solane Project

Create a new folder for your project and go into it. Then create a new directory within the project folder with the name of your choice (eg, my_solana_project).


mkdir my_solana_project

Cd my_solana_project


Step 3: Initialize the Solana Cli

Initialize Solana Cli to Download and Manage Packages:


Solana Init


This Command will create a new directory structure for your project, including the necessary files for solana cli.

Step 4: Install Addiction

Install All Necessary Addiction By Launching The Following Commands:


Npm install – -save @solana/web3.js




Yarn Add @Solana/Web3.js


Step 5: Configure vs Code Settings

Update your vs code settings to include Solana CLI. .Vscode/settings.json and by adding the following content:



"Extensions": ["Typescript"],

"Solanversion": "1.9.0",

"Solanodepath": "/usr/bin/node"


This configuration speaks to the vs code for the use of node.js version 1.9.0, which is a recommended version for salt development.

Step 6: Create a New Solano Folder

Create a new directory called “SRCWithin the Folder of Your Project:


Mkdir src



Step 7: Create a New Strength File

Create a new file called “Main.SolIn the Directorate" SRC/Treaty ", which will serve as our main contract:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;


Nint256 Public Number;

Function Incment () Public {

Count ++;


Function GetCount () Public View Returns (Naint256) {) {

Return Number;



This strength code defines a simple contract with the functions of the I getcount collection function.

Step 8: Build and Put Together a Project

Complete and Build your Solana Project Using the Following Commands:


Npm Run Build: Dev

Npm Run Compile




Construction of Yarns: Dev

Construction of Yarn


Build: dev will generate a vile ‘.solin the same directory.

Step 9: Open Your New Project In Vs Code

Open your new Solana Project at vs Code. You should see a new folder structure with several files and folders including:

  • Main.Sol: Your Main Strength Code

  • Contracting.

  • Contract.abi: Abi (Binary Application Interface) Your Contract

Step 10: Write the Code in Vs Code

You can now write the code directly in the editor or open an existing file.