Solana: Reown Appkit and Solana

Using Renow Appkit and Solan in Pure Javascript

As a beginner in the world of blockchain development, it is not uncommon to find unknown concepts and technology. In this article, we deepen how to implement Appkit Renown and Solana Adapter in Pure Javascript, which covers the latest versions of both libraries.

What is appkit to replace?

Renown Appkit is a popular library for applications based on building blocks in the Solana block. It allows developers to create decentralized applications (DAPP) using React or other libraries without requireing extensive knowledge of the specific development of Solana.

Solana adapter

Solana adapter is an extension of Renown Appkit, which allows perfect integration with Solana. With this adapter, you can compile a DAPP in Solana, using its unique features and benefits.

Pure Implementation JavaScript

If you want to use a renowned appkit and a single JavaScript adapter, follow the following steps:

Step 1: Install the desired libraries

First install the necessary libraries with NPM or thread:


NPM Install Renewn-Appkit @Solana/Web3.JS



Yarn ADD Decision to issue

Step 2: Configure a solar client

Create a new file config.json and add details about the Solana network:



"grid": {{

"Name": "Testnet",

"ID": "Your_solana_network_id"



Replace your_solana_network_id for the ID of its selected Solan network.

Step 3: Create a new JavaScript project

Create a new directory for your project and initialize a new Node.JS project using NPX Create -React -App My -App.

Step 4: Install the Appkit installation adapter

Install Appkit Rege adapter with NPM or thread:


NPM Install an adapter-app-app-app-Solana



Add an adapter adapter fiber to the adapter adapter

Step 5: Import Appkit adapter and solana

In the “app.js" file, import the required libraries:


Imports of reaction "React";

Import {CreateApp} from 'renewn -Appkit';

Import {Solanadapter} “Renewn-Appkit-Solana-Adaptor”;

Const App = () => {

return (

My app

connection to Solana ...

CreateApp (

React.Createment (


{Network: This.props.Network}




Connect to Solane



Export the default application;

Step 6: Create a new React component

Create a new file solanaconnector.js and add the following code:


Import {Solanadapter} “Renewn-Appkit-Solana-Adaptor”;

Const Solanaconnect = () => {

return (

Solana Connector

connection to Solana ...

CreateApp (

React.Createment (


{Network: This.props.Network}




Connect to Solane



Export predetermined exports of Selean;

Step 7: Integrate Appkit adapter and Solan Remollection Adapter

In your file app.js, component ‘Solanaconnectorand add it as a childhood:

` Jsx

Imports of reaction “React”;

Import {CreateApp} from ‘renewn -Appkit’;

Import Solanacon Baddor z ‘./solanaConnector’;

Const App = () => {

return (

My app

connection to Solana …

CreateApp (

React.Createment (

Solanacon Nector,

{Red: this.props.