Ethereum: and cloud provider hardware security modules (HSM)

** Ethereum: web

The growth of services based on decentralized programs (DAPPS) and Blockchain has led to a growing need for reliable security measures, especially when it comes to signing operations. In this article, we will explore the use of the safety hardware module (HSMS) of different cloud service suppliers, such as Google Cloud in Web3Py to ensure the Ethereum operations.

What are the modules to protect the hardware (HSMS)?

Hardware safety modules (HSMS) specialize in hardware devices to ensure a safe environment for storage and processing not -reached data. They use advanced cryptographic algorithms and mechanisms to protect data from illegal approach, forgery or compromise. Usually HSMS is used in a corporate environment, but can be used in other industries that require reliable safety.

** Why use safety modules for the protection of hardware (HSMS) Provider Cloud Services with Web3pse?

Using HSM from cloud provider with web3py offers several advantages:

  • Centralized Control : Cloud providers offer a centralized management system, facilitating managing and monitoring several copies of HSM.


  • Reliability : Cloud suppliers provide high availability and reliability in HSM copies.

  • Security updates

    : Cloud providers usually provide security updates and corrections to ensure that HSM copies are safe and updated.

Use of the Google Cloud (HSM) Safety Module Module

Google Cloud offers a HSM service called Cloud HSM, which provides a safe environment for storage and management of data. To use Cloud HSM with web3py, you can do the following:



  • Use the HSM feature from web3Py : After connecting the HSM feature from the web3py library to sign the Ethereum operations.

Here’s an example of a code fragment:


Import of web3

Create a new copy of HSM

From Google.Cloud Import HSM_V1BETA1 as HSM_V1BETA1

From Google.oAut2 Import Service_account

Configure a copy of HSM clouds

credentials = service_account.credentials.from_service_account_file (

‘Road/Do/Your/Service_account_koy.json’, Scopes = [‘


Create a new HSM customer

HSM_CLIENT = HSM_V1BETA1.HSMCLIENT (credentials = credentials, Project_id = ‘your_project_id’)

Login to the Ethereum knot using the Cloud HSM public key for signature signature

W3 = Web3.Web3 (HSM_CLient)

Use HSM feature with web3Py to sign Operations Ethereum

Def Sign_transation (Operation):

Sign_transation = W3.esth.account.sign_transation (



signature_type = ‘reverse’,

Public_KEY = HSM_CLient.public_Key


Return W3.esth.send_raw_transation

Example of use:

Operation = {‘from’: 0x … ‘,’ to ‘: 0x …’, ‘meaning’: 1.0}

Sign_transation = Vidor_transation (Operation)



Using hardware protection modules from different cloud service suppliers, such as Google Cloud in Web3py, offers a reliable and safe way to sign Ethereum operations. With centralized management, scaling, reliability and security functions provided by cloud service providers, you can provide confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of your business.